Heidi Choe as Jeannette Marks

Heidi Choe as Jeannette Marks

Heidi Choe is excited to be back with Vanilla Box Productions, this time as Jeannette Marks. Her previous roles at VBP were Psyche Sullivan in “Making Scents” and Meg March in Little Women, the musical.

She most recently was seen at WCLOC as Kitty in Drowsy Chaperone. Also at WCLOC; Young Little Edie in Grey Gardens and Iris Peabody in Living on Love. Some of her favorite roles include Nellie Forbush in  South Pacific (JEMS  Theater), Evelyn Nesbit in  Ragtime, Winifred Banks in  Mary Poppins ( Theater at the Mount), Hope Cladwell in  Urinetown (WCLOC), Adelaide in  Guys and Dolls (Barre Players), Amalia Balash in  She Loves Me, and Little Red Riding Hood in  Into the Woods (Calliope Productions). 

Heidi has worked as a Medical Technologist at UMASS Memorial Healthcare for the last 12 years, and holds a Masters degree in Biotechnology. Many thanks to her family,  theater family, and her favorite partner on and off the stage, Paul, for supporting her many  theater endeavors.