Robin Shropshire


Robin Shropshire (Sarah Wurms) is a graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts – NYC and was a member of their Academy Repertory Company. Since returning to New England, Robin has appeared in WCLOC’s productions of Neil Simon’s Proposals (Clemma), Christopher Durang’s Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike (Sonia), and Stephen Adly Guirgis’ Between Riverside and Crazy (Church Lady), Calliope Theatre’s 1940’s Radio Hour (Geneva Lee Browne); Braid Productions’ Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (Martha) and Pilgrim Soul Productions’ Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (Mrs. Shears,
Mrs. Gascoyne and, most especially, the ATM!!) Robin is immensely proud of her affiliation with and participation in Stepping Stone Community Theater - an inclusive theater company offering individuals with varying physical, emotional and learning disabilities the experience of performing in a full-scale theatrical production - including Once Upon a Mattress, Godspell, and Li’l Abner.